Publications and Reports


In Review or Advanced Preparation

Zamborain-Mason, JG Eurich, DF Viana, C Mellin, ML Pinsky, R van Hooidonk, CD Golden (In review). Coral reef fish biomass and nutrient availability losses from thermal stress. Nature Climate Change.

Golden, CD, J Zamborain-Mason, KL Seto, JA Gephart, JG Eurich, WR Friedman, HM Kelahan, H Murdoch, K Neeti, MK Sharp, E Timeon, R Tekoaua, A Tekaieti, J Ayroles (In review). Prevalence and spatio-demographic variability of nutrition-related health issues in Kiribati. Scientific Reports.

Zamborain-Mason, JG Eurich, WR Friedman, JA Gephart, HM Kelahan, KL Seto, NL Andrew, MK Sharp, A Tekaieti, E Timeon, CD Golden (In review). The contribution of aquatic foods to human nutrient intake and adequacy in a Small Island Developing State. Scientific Reports.

Eurich, JG, WR Friedman, KK Bell, A Tekiau, JA Gephart, CD Golden, KL Seto, J Zamborain-Mason, MK Donovan, DJ McCauley (In review). Kiribati coral reef baseline assessment and the implications for subsistence fisheries. Scientific Reports.

Knight, CJ, WR Friedman, TLU Burnham, KK Bell, A Tekiau, HM Barravecchia, T Beiateuea, LB Crowder, R Elahi, JA Gephart, WC Holland, DJ McCauley, F Micheli, KL Seto, CD Golden, JG Eurich (In review). Awareness of ciguatera fish poisoning promotes seafood avoidance to reduce risk. Nature Ocean Sustainability.

González-Sansón, G, C Aguilar-Betancourt, T Figueredo-Martin, D Cobián-Rojas, JJI Hernández-Albernas, A González-González, L Espinosa-Pantoja, JG Eurich, F Pina-Amargos (In review). Functional diversity of Cuban reef fish: implications of fishing intensity and regulation enforcement. Bulletin of Marine Science.

Zamborain-Mason J, S-H Yoo, N Marwaha, C Hicks, J Robinson, L Abucay, LG Elsler, JG Eurich, WR Friedman, JA Gephart, MA MacNeil, JG Mason, MLD Palomares, V Parducho, KL Seto, KM Kleisner, D Viana, CD Golden (In review). The nutritional value of invertebrate aquatic foods. Science.


Peer Reviewed Publications

23. Smith, JG, C Lopazanski, CM Free, J Brun, C Anderson, MH Carr, J Claudet, JE Dugan, JG Eurich, TB Francis, DA Gill, SL Hamilton, K Kaschner, D Mouillot, PT Raimondi, RM Starr, SL Ziegler, D Malone, ML Marraffini, A Parsons-Field, B Spiecker, M Yeager, KJ Nickols, JE Caselle (2025). Conservation benefits of a large marine protected area network that spans multiple ecosystems. Conservation Biology. e14435. article link [PDF]

22. Goodman, MC, TD White, JL Kazdan, D Bradley, M Shivji, R Casagrandi, L Mari, M Gatto, JG Eurich, DJ McCauley, RJ O’Conner, GA De Leo, F Micheli (2024). Reef shark population declines on remote Pacific reefs: inferences from multiple methods in a data-limited fishery. MEPS. 751:97-114. article link [PDF]

21. Caldwell, IR, TR McClanahan, RM Oddenyo, NAJ Graham, M Beger, L Vigliola, … JG Eurich, et al., JE Cinner (2024). Protection efforts have resulted in ~10% of existing fish biomass on global coral reefs. PNAS. 121 (42) e2308605121. article link [PDF]


20. Seto, KL, WR Friedman, JG Eurich, JA Gephart, J Zamborain-Mason, M Sharp, E Aram, A Tekaieti, A Tekiau, CD Golden (2024). Characterizing pathways of food access to seafood resources in small island developing states. PNAS. 121(7):e2305424121. article link [PDF]


19. Eurich, JG*, WR Friedman*, KM Kleisner*, LZ Zhao*, CM Free, M Fletcher, JG Mason, K Tokunaga, A Aguion, A Dell'Apa, M Dickey-Collas, R Fujita, CD Golden, AB Hollowed, G Ishimura, KA Karr, S Kasperski, Y Kisara, JD Lau, S Mangubhai, L Osman, GT Pecl, JO Schmidt, EH Allison, PJ Sullivan, JE Cinner, R Griffis, TR McClanahan, RC Stedman, KE Mills (2024). Diverse pathways for climate resilience in fishery systems. Fish and Fisheries. 25, 38–59. *equal contribution article link [PDF]


18. Free, CM, JG Smith, J Brun, TB Francis, JG Eurich, J Claudet, JE Dugan, D Gill, SL Hamilton, K Kaschner, CJ Lopazanski, D Mouillot, SL Ziegler, JE Caselle, KJ Nickols (2023). If you build it, they will come: coastal amenities facilitate human engagement in marine protected areas. People and Nature. 5, 1592–1609. article link [PDF]


17. Smith, JG, CM Free, CJ Lopazanski, J Brun, CR Anderson, MH Carr, J Claudet, JE Dugan, JG Eurich, TB Francis, SL Hamilton, K Kaschner, D Mouillot, PT Raimondi, RM Starr, SL Ziegler, KJ Nickols, JE Caselle (2023). A network of marine protected areas does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology 00:1-18. article link [PDF]


16. Eurich, JG, A Tekiau, KL Seto, E Aram, T Beiateuea, CD Golden, B Rabwere, DJ McCauley (2023). Resilience of a giant clam subsistence fishery in Kiribati to climate change. Pacific Conservation Biology PC22050. article link [PDF]


15. Carroll, C*, JG Eurich*, K Sherman, R Glazer, MT Braynen, KA Callwood, A Castañeda, C Dahlgren, KA Karr, KM Kleisner, V Burns-Perez, SE Poon, N Requena, V Sho, SN Tate, S Haukebo (2023). A climate vulnerability assessment to enhance collaborative science and management in Caribbean recreational fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1177715. *equal contribution article link [PDF]


14. Halpern, B, C Boettiger, MC Dietze, JA Gephart, P Gonzalez, NB Grimm, … JG Eurich, et al., C Youngflesh (2023). Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14(1):e4342. article link [PDF]


13. Mills, KE, D Armitage, JG Eurich, KM Kleisner, G Pecl, K Tokunaga (2022). Co-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsac110. article link [PDF]


12. Golden, CD*, J Ayroles*, JG Eurich*, JA Gephart*, KL Seto*, MK Sharp*, P Balcom, HM Barravecchia, KK Bell, KD Gorospe, WH Koh, DJ McCauley, H Murdoch, K Neeti, E Sunderland, A Tekaieti, E Timeon (2022). Study protocol: interactive dynamics between coral reef fisheries and the nutrition transition in Kiribati. Frontiers in Public Health. 10:890381. article link [PDF] *equal contribution


11. Andrew, NL, EH Allison, T Brewer, J Connell, H Eriksson, JG Eurich, A Farmery, J Gephart, CD Golden, M Herrero, K Mapusua, KL Seto, M Sharp, P Thornton, AM Thow, J Tutoa (2022). Continuity and change in the contemporary Pacific food system. Global Food Security. 32:100608. article link [PDF]


10. Mason, JG*, JG Eurich*, JD Lau*, W Battista, CM Free, KE Mills, K Tokunaga, LZ Zhao, M Dickey-Collas, M Valle, G Pecl, J Cinner, T McClanahan, E Allison, WR Friedman, C Silva, E Yanez, MA Barbieri, KM Kleisner (2022). Attributes of climate resilience in fisheries: from theory to practice. Fish and Fisheries. 23:522-544. article link [PDF] *equal contribution


9. Golden, CD*, JZ Koehn*, A Shepon*, S Passarelli*, C Free*, D Viana*, H Matthey, JG Eurich, JA Gephart, E Fluet-Chouinnard, E Nyboer, A Lynch, M Kjellevold, S Bromage, P Charlebois, M Barange, S Vannuccini, L Cao, KM Kleisner, EB Rimm, G Danaei, C DeSisto, H Kelahan, KJ Fiorella, DC Little, EH Allison, J Fanzo, SH Thilsted. (2021). Aquatic foods for nourishing nations. Nature. 598(7880):315-320. article link [PDF] *equal contribution


8. Golden, CD, JA Gephart, JG Eurich, DJ MCCauley, MK Sharp, NL Andrew, KL Seto. (2021). Social-ecological traps link food systems to nutritional outcomes. Global Food Security. 30:100561. article link [PDF]


7. Ferrell, P, AM Thow, JT Wate, N Nonga, P Vatucawaqa, T Brewer, MK Sharp, A Farmery, H Trevena, E Reeve, H Eriksson, I Gonzalez, G Mulcahy, JG Eurich, NL Andrew (2020). COVID-19 and Pacific food system resilience: opportunities to build a robust response. Food Security. 12:783–791. article link [PDF]


6. Eurich, JG, JK Matley, R Baker, MI McCormick, GP Jones. (2019) Stable isotope analysis reveals trophic diversity and partitioning in territorial damselfishes on a low-latitude coral reef. Marine Biology. 166:17. article link [PDF]


5. Eurich, JG, MI McCormick, GP Jones (2018) Domino effect: direct and indirect effects of interspecific competition in a highly partitioned guild of reef fishes. Ecosphere 9:e02389. article link [PDF]


4. Eurich, JG*, SM Shomaker*, MI McCormick, GP Jones (2018) Herbivore foraging dynamics after the removal of an abundant territorial damselfish in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 506:155–162. article link [PDF] *student paper, equal contribution


3. Richardson, LE, NAJ Graham, MS Pratchett, JG Eurich, AS Hoey (2018) Mass coral bleaching causes biotic homogenization of reef fish assemblages. Global Change Biology. 24:3117–3129. article link *Virginia Chadwick Award winner


2. Eurich, JG, MI McCormick, GP Jones (2018) Habitat selection and aggression as determinants of fine-scale partitioning of coral reef zones in a guild of territorial damselfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 587:201–215. article link [PDF]


1. Eurich, JG, RL Selden, RR Warner (2014) California spiny lobster preference for urchins from kelp forests: implications for urchin barren persistence. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 498:217–225. article link [PDF]


Theses and Technical Reports

Caselle, JE, KJ Nickols, JG Smith, C Lopazanski, J Brun, C Free, C Anderson, M Carr, J Claudet, J Dugan, JG Eurich, T Francis, D Gill, S Hamilton, K Kaschner, D Mouillot, P Raimondi, R Starr, S Ziegler. (2022). A Synthesis of ecological and social outcomes from the California Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. NCEAS Working Group Final Report to the CA Ocean Protection Council and the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Dee, LE, JG Eurich, D Bradley, PM Carlson, J Schem, AD Ridlon, JE Caselle (2021), Surgeonfish foraging data at Palmyra Atoll, Dryad, Dataset. doi link 

Eurich, JG (2018) Processes underlying the fine-scale partitioning and niche diversification in a guild of coral reef damselfishes. Ph. D. Dissertation. James Cook University. thesis link [PDF]

California Ocean Science Trust (2015) Final report of the scientific review committee: review of the reference point thresholds prescribed in the draft Fishery Management Plan for California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. [authorship: JG Eurich ecology and biology sections]

Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District (2012) Humboldt Bay mariculture expansion project, planning, and permitting support. University of California, Santa Barbara and H. T. Harvey and Associates. Funding No. NOAA-OAR-SG-2012-2003249. [authorship: JG Eurich case study and final report]

Eurich, JG (2012) California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) predator-prey interactions and the influence on kelp forest community dynamics. B. Sc. Honors Thesis. University of California, Santa Barbara.

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